good and evil are arbitrary and the story of Adam and Eve is about this.... many assume the TREE has to do with KNOWLEDGE of good and evil, as if Adam and Eve had no such knowledge prior...but its not about KNOWLEDGE but about the ABILITY to determine the DIVIDING LINE between good and evil and who has the RIGHT to do so.... and as an unbeliever, I see this as a WARNING to anyone outside those claiming to speak for God... those who wrote the story were telling everyone everywhere that THEY had the sole right to draw the line between good and evil, and that democracy was of the serpent... now what draws that line is not as easy to see...but simple to explain--- its whatever you imagine as THE IDEAL WORLD... what ever helps you make your life closer to that ideal is good what ever harms your attempts to get there is evil.
in the REAL world, suffering need not be seen as good nor evil, but just part of HOW reality actually happens... its only when you compare this to your IDEAL world where suffering NEVER happens that suffering can be labelled as EVIL.